BLOG 4 super effective tips to grow your email marketing list in 60 days

Published: Oct 4, 2016 3 min read
Reading Time: 3 minutes

4 super effective tips to grow your email marketing list in 60 days

By Larry Alton

Source: Scoop.It!


As you’re well aware, email marketing is a critically important tool for generating leads online. Whether you sell software, physical products, or anything in between, a powerful email marketing list can have a sizable impact on your bottom line. And while the content certainly matters, the immediate focus should be on growing your subscription list.

Email marketing: size matters

There are many different areas of marketing – and life in general – where people will tell you that quantity doesn’t matter. However, your email marketing list is not one of them. The size of your list is extremely relevant, as it allows you to reach additional people and extract more value.

“Having an email list means you have permission to market your services to your prospects or let them know about special deals, anytime you want,” says Waseem Abbas of Envira Gallery. “Plus, you can send them valuable information (such as blog posts) to strengthen your relationship with them. The more you provide value to your email list, the more they will spread the word about you.”

The issue is that most marketers don’t have big lists. They may make a big push in the beginning stages, but then grow complacent and fail to instigate any real growth for months or years at a time. Unfortunately, this lack of growth is often accompanied by a heavy investment of time and money into the email strategy itself. With no growth and a small audience, this is sadly a waste of resources.

Try these 4 growth hacks

The only way to effectively maximize the value of your email marketing list is to scale your subscriber list. Depending on your target audience and the existing strategies you have in place, there are a number of different techniques you can use.

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