BLOG 5 Exciting Social Media and Marketing Trends to Know in 2017 – Noah Kagan [SSM055]

Published: Oct 19, 2017 6 min read
Reading Time: 6 minutes

What if you could predict the future and gain access to the latest social media and marketing trends that will eventually make a huge difference in your business?

And what if you could take that knowledge and prioritize the channels and networks of tomorrow, today?

You’re in luck! The social media and marketing trends that once seemed like science fiction are quickly becoming a reality for marketers everywhere. Now, it’s just a matter of identifying which channels and trends to embrace in your overall marketing strategy that will have the greatest impact.

Noah Kagan, Chief Sumo at and, and his team have been successfully experimenting with emerging marketing technologies and channels for the last several years – giving him unique insights into which ones are truly worth your time and effort.

In episode #55 of The Science of Social Media, we explore the top 5 social media and marketing trends that all marketers should consider in 2017 and examples of how you can get at started with each today.

Let’s dive in!

5 Exciting Social Media and Marketing Trends to Know in 2017

“The bar has been raised across the industry. The only way to stand out is to put out higher quality content than the rest.”

– Noah Kagan

1. Optimizing outreach on multiple mediums

You might have heard of the saying, “owned vs. rented land” in marketing – referring to producing and sharing content on platforms that you do or do not own. For example, posting content directly through Facebook would be considered “rented” because you don’t necessarily control the outcome of that content, whereas, blogging regularly on your website would be considered “owned” because you have full control over that content.

Over the last several months, Noah has seen a 10% drop in email open rates from his newsletter at And although 10% doesn’t seem like a lot, it’s resulted in a decrease of about 15,000 people reading his content.

In 2017, it’s important for marketers to develop multiple mediums through which your business can speak and connect with customers. That way, if a big change happens on any one medium, like a significant decline in organic reach on Facebook, you will still have other viable options at your disposal.

Multi-channel Marketing

Multiple marketing mediums might include:

In other words, you’re hedging your communication channels against any major market changes.

2.  Customizing one-to-one marketing communications

The perfect message, to the right person, at the perfect time. That’s what many savvy marketers hope to achieve through their one-to-one marketing efforts. But delivering the perfect message without seeming intrusive or sneaky is a fine line to walk in a time where consumer information is seemingly endless.

Tom Fishburne - marketoonist

Source: Tom Fishburne – marketoonist

When done right, however, one-to-one marketing can reduce marketing costs and increase the effectiveness of your campaigns. Harvard Business Review reports that personalization can deliver five to eight times the return on investment for marketing spend. Talk about important marketing trends!

For example, Facebook and Facebook advertising might help bring people to your restaurant, but imagine bringing someone to your restaurant and each person gets their own customized dished (based on profile information) that they’re in love with. That’s the power of one-to-one and marketing personalization.

Technology that will help you get to one-on-one communication:

The companies and marketers that can begin to utilize these technologies sooner will have a significant advantage in their marketing.

3.  Utilizing the power of marketing bots

One of the most exciting frontiers in marketing is the rise of marketing bots.

What is a “bot” exactly? According to Wikipedia“An Internet bot is a software application that runs automated tasks (or scripts) over the Internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are both simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human alone.”

As a marketer, the thought of bots can be a bit intimidating on both the job perspective and implementation side. But there are tons of positives that come with automation. Eventually, sure, bots will be able to do a variety of tasks that humans currently do like write blog posts, create graphics, deliver tailored content to users, send emails, schedule social media posts, and respond to user questions. 

But just like the computer automated handwriting and Netflix automated the movie industry, we will adapt and evolve into the next stage of social media, technology, and marketing, just like we’ve done throughout history.

For now, you’ll be well-ahead of the game by experimenting with basic bot functions like communicating with website visitors, implementing a Facebook messenger, or Slack bot, or conducting research  just to help you get a feel for what they can do.

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