Ask These 23 Questions to Create Better Content
What should I write about? It’s the first question marketers ask once they dive into blogging. It quickly becomes I don’t know what to write about, which is the first complaint.
Most marketers who claim they don’t know how to find content haven’t yet scratched the surface. There is no limit to the number of possible topics. You just need to give your imagination a little nudge.
Here are 23 questions to ask yourself to get the content flowing. Your answers to these questions will lead to lists, stories, lessons, and strong opinions.
To make sure that your writing gets read, we’ve added some ideas for driving traffic for each question. Great marketers always create content with promotion in mind.
If you haven’t written the answers to these questions yet, write these first. These often become the “cornerstone content” that you refer to (and link to) from many other posts. The more likely you are to mention these topics in conversation, email and other posts, the more important it is to write it soon.
These topics are often great for search engine optimization. People are always looking for practical information. And practical content is also some of the most shared.
1. What are the most important things that your audience should know before buying?
Write a list post with a number in the headline. Use this as a subject line in an email newsletter. Also share it with prospects during the sales process.
2. What is your best advice? What is the right way to do the job?
If there are several, make a list and use the number in the headline and subject line. Target keyphrases such as “[topic] best practices.”
3. What question do people ask you most often?
Write two versions, a short version for your FAQ page, and a longer one as a guest post. Link them to each other.
4. What question should people ask you, but don’t?
Make this post your best advice for your buyer with unexpected help during their decision-making process. Target keyphrases such as “How to find a [product/service].” This post can be shared with prospects in your pipeline.
5. Is it possible for your audience to solve their problems without your help? How?
If there is a DIY approach for your audience, they’ll find it. But if you don’t publish it, they’ll find it somewhere else. Write a practical guide in the same tone you would use if you were talking to a friend.
You’ll gain more in followers, traffic, and respect than you’ll lose to DIY competition, especially if you target the right keyphrase. Try a phrase such as “how to [solve problem].” Example: How to Relaunch a High Ranking Website.
6. What do people who are trying to enter your profession need to know? What’s challenging about your job? What’s rewarding?
Although they may not be prospects, you may find an eager audience for your expertise in the next generation of professionals. These readers may remember you years later. Target keyphrases such as “tips for [industry] job seekers.”
7. What is the last professional event you attended? What did you learn?
If the event will happen next year, schedule a tweet to go out around the time that registration will open. If you use the hashtag, the organizers may see this and share the post with their network. Here’s an excellent example of a post event wrap up from Donnie Bryant.
8. What are the tools you use everyday? What is the best way to use them? (Software? Services? Cement trucks?
Write a roundup of your top tools and techniques. Mention the brands that make your job easier. Use a number in the title and as the subject line in a newsletter.
Mention the brands when you share it on social media. They may share it with their audience. Or if any of the brands have blogs and accept guest posts, submit it! Link back to a service page on your site in your author bio.
9. What is the one statistic that emphasizes the importance of your product/service best? Why is this stat important?
Make a graphic of this statistic and use it as the featured image. The post should include some analysis about this number, why it matters and where it’s going. Use the statistic in the headline and in your email newsletter subject line. Make sure the image appears when you share it in social networks.
10. Why do you love what you do?
This is your passion story. Link to this post from your bio on your website. Also, share this on social networks. Make sure to use an image that means something to you.
11. What is the unmet need of your audience? How do you meet this need differently than others? Give give an example.
This relates directly to your brand’s positioning. Link to this article in your email signature. Share it with prospects during the sales process.
12. What are the greatest successes with the best results that can be achieved by using your product or service?
This story could be about any company who used the type of product or service, and not necessarily one of your customers. If the success is measurable, use a number showing the success in a how-to headline, such as “How FruitCo. Sold 81% More Bananas With Native Marketing.” Use this as the subject line in an email newsletter.
If the story is about your service and your customer, make it a case study. Use specific details, quotes from the client, and statistics. Make it a page on your site and a PDF download.
13. Is there a risky (illegal or unethical) way to solve the problems that your company solves without the risk? What could go wrong? What’s the worst that could happen?
14. How does one of your personal interests relate to your job?
Find people in your industry who share this personal interest by searching Twitter profiles in FollowerWonk. Search bios using “[industry] [interest]” then mention these people in tweets to the post.