BLOG How to Create Instagram Stories for Your Business

Published: Aug 11, 2016 3 min read
social media for business
Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to Create Instagram Stories

By Kristi Hines

Source: Social Media Examiner


Want to learn how to publish Instagram Stories?

Wondering how engagement works for Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories allow you to record live video or take photos with your smartphone and add them to a story that lasts for only 24 hours.

In this post, you’ll discover how to create Instagram Stories and respond to people who engage with your Stories.

What Instagram Stories Look Like

First, let’s look at what Instagram stories look like. When you log into your Instagram app, you’ll see the latest Instagram stories by the people you follow at the top of your news feed.

instagram stories

The top of the Instagram news feed showing users with the most recent stories.

When you tap on one of these circles, you’ll see that user’s Instagram story for the day in 10-second increments of photos or video.

instagram stories example

Scenes from Instagram’s story introducing Stories.

When you visit another Instagram user’s profile that has a current story, you’ll notice a circle around the user’s profile photo. When you click on the profile photo, you’ll be taken to that user’s current story.

instagram stories from a user

Profile photo indicating that an Instagram user has a current story.

When you view a story where the creator allows messaging, you’ll see the option to send a message at the bottom left of the story. The message will end up in the story creator’s Direct Message inbox as opposed to a publicly visible comment on the story.

instagram stories from a user

Scene from a story by HubSpot that includes a Send Message option.

Now that you know how Instagram stories look, let’s look at how you can create one for your business.