BLOG Why Not Having a Website is Hurting Your Law Firm

Published: Nov 25, 2019 3 min read
ONE18MEDIA Law Firm Website Design
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Law firms and digital marketing go hand in hand. Without a law firm website, your practice is sacrificing its ability to rise above the competition and attract potential clients. In order succeed, law firms need to maintain a digital presence, especially while the legal industry continues to grow through digital exposure and connectivity via the online space.

One of the biggest questions legal professionals ask is “why do I need a website or marketing strategy?”

The answer lies in visibility and reputation. Without a working and updated website, potential clients have no way of accessing more information on your practice. It’s important to recognize that many of your competitors within the legal industry are making their rounds in the digital space by maintaining an active online presence through intuitive and functional websites designed to enhance the user experience and allow potential clients easy access to your firm’s portfolio and contact information.

According to Legal Productivity, 97 percent of all law firm websites lack personalized content, and that’s not factoring in the percentage of firms without a website at all. Without a personalized and intuitive website, law firms are unable to generate the traction needed to build a strong, loyal client base. If potential clients can’t find you online, your firm will be missing out on a significant amount of leads that could propel your practice forward.

The fact is that the majority of individuals seeking legal assistance head to the Internet to make better decisions about who to contact. According to the FindLaw U.S. Consumer Legal Needs survey, 74 percent of prospective legal clients beginning a search online end up contacting the office via phone. With a specially designed website crafted to suit the needs of your law firm, your practice will be made visible to potential clients and influence them to inquire about services directly.

At ONE18MEDIA, we’re in the business of making sure your website meets your business’s needs. The first step toward connecting with more clients is designing and managing a law firm website tailored to your team and individual needs. Contact us today to get started with crafting a website designed to reach more clients and showcase your firm’s expertise.