BLOG These Questions Will Boost Your Social Media Engagement

Published: Sep 12, 2017 6 min read
Reading Time: 6 minutes

The actual number of Facebook likes is a vanity metric.

But you already knew that, right?

Engagement is a much better indicator of your overall success.

Asking questions is an easy and effective way to spark a conversation, create a sense of community and increase social media engagement.

Asking a question triggers a natural answering reflex in human beings.

People subconsciously try to find an answer.

That means that even if they don’t engage, questions will encourage them to stop and read your update to find the answer.

Grammarly is a great example of this.


And the best part? You can do the exact same!

Keep reading to find out how.

These Questions Will Boost Your Social Media Engagement

Find Popular Questions in Your Niche

The first step is to research which questions are floating around in your industry. This will help direct your further actions and give you a little bit more insight into your niche too.

Research Niche Q&A With Bloomberry

Bloomberry is one of the newest tools that provide insights into what people ask in forums, Q&A sites, discussion boards and more.

They index hundreds of question and answer databases including Amazon Q&A section (which is admittedly my favorite part because it focuses on buyers’ questions which means it’s perfect for ecommerce sites).

Just search your main keyword and scroll through the results.


Mind that Bloomberry won’t limit results to your exact query. The tool will use semantic analysis and suggest related phrases and terms.

This always helps my creativity!


(Note: Bloomberry is in public beta, so it’s currently free, but you may want to register to be able to search more. The public site limits you to just a couple of runs).

Research Which Questions Your Customers Type in Google with Serpstat

Another helpful tool to research niche questions is Serpstat. Search for your core term, and then switch to “Search questions” behind “Content Marketing” tab.


If you register and login, you’ll be able to export all these helpful ideas. There’s also a helpful tag cloud showing you the most frequent words that come up in the questions.

These help you direct your research further, showing you the closest neighboring topics.


Furthermore, you can check Serpstat’s keyword research section and filter search results by “Special elements in SERP:”

“Also Ask for” to find search queries that trigger “People also ask”: box in Google search results.


Each search will show related questions in Google which work well for inspiration too.


See What Your Competitors Are Doing with Buzzsumo

Another great way to get inspired is to see what your competitors (or even simply other brands) are doing in terms of engaging their followers with questions.

Buzzsumo is a perfect tool for that. Their “Facebook Analyzer” indexes public Facebook updates and allows you to use all kinds of operators to search through them.

You can search by a keyword or you can search for specific brand updates.


The search filter you’re looking for is called “Questions” and it’s located to the bottom-left of search results.

Just uncheck all other filters to force the tool to focus on brand updates containing questions.


Finally, you can sort results by likes, comments or shares to see the questions that triggered the highest engagement.


This is a great tool to search for engaging Facebook questions on any topic to try and improve on other brands’ success.


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