Hello, I'm

Elizabeth Paap

Account Manager

What inspired you to pursue a career in marketing? Were you in another field before this?

I wasn’t sure what career I wanted to pursue after graduating from college. There were a few paths I thought I could pursue, such as event planning, sales, and public relations. I ended up starting my career as a leasing consultant and later moved into customer service.

While I was working in customer service, I developed a strong interest in marketing when I was able to do various work on a WordPress website. It was really interesting to see how a website functions and how pages, posts, products, etc. are created. I hadn’t realized until then that websites are so complex and that it takes a lot of time, money, and resources to maintain an effective website that ranks well on Google.

I had gained well-rounded communication skills while working in customer service, so I knew that I’d be able to find a career where I could still communicate with clients, but also focus more on editing their websites and growing my knowledge in marketing.

What do you find most rewarding about your job? What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your role?

I love that the work I do is a service to someone else and that I can see the updates I’ve made reflected on the front end of a website. It makes me feel accomplished when I am able to complete a task for a client to keep their website current. 

I also feel like I learn something new every day. Each day is different and that is very exciting! Some days, I am presented with new challenges that really get me thinking. It’s rewarding knowing that I am able to develop my skill set and become better and better at what I do!

Technology can sometimes have a mind of its own. It can be challenging when I make an update or create a form exactly how I normally do, but it’s not functioning properly for one reason or another. It takes time to troubleshoot and figure out unexpected issues that may arise. Luckily, I have an incredible team that helps me overcome these challenges if I feel like I’ve hit a roadblock.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

I take walks with my dog at lunch and small breaks throughout the day for a snack or a cup of coffee. I also make sure that I get a good night’s sleep to feel rested and ready to tackle the next day! I think all of these things combined are important for my mental and physical health.

Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests that you’re passionate about?

I like to get out of the house and travel, eat good food, sing karaoke, and spend time with my friends. I also enjoy my alone time by playing fetch with my dog, running, shopping, and journaling. I am the only one who sings karaoke usually, but my friends are there to support me!

What motivates you to excel in your role, and how do you stay engaged and enthusiastic about your work on a day-to-day basis?

I am motivated by our clients and our team. Our clients will always appreciate when tasks are completed in a timely manner, so I stay organized to be able to prioritize each task as it comes through ClickUp. I feel successful when I know the client is happy with the work that I’ve done and that they can count on me to be forward-thinking and make suggestions that will only improve their website. 

I feel motivated by my team members as well, because they are encouraging and always willing to help with a task if needed. Plus, they make me laugh! I like knowing that I have a good support system with my coworkers.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself or your professional journey that you think would be relevant for others to know? Perhaps a quote that you like from someone that motivates / inspires you?

I feel inspired by this quote from Vincent Van Gogh “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” This quote is very relevant to the work we do at ONE18MEDIA. Each of us has a specific role that functions like a machine to produce a website. Every team member has an important role and it is a team that I am very proud to be a part of every single day!